Artistic and Arts-based Projects and Courses
The practice, development and contemplation of the arts are central to Anthroposophy. The aim is not just creative self-expression but also transcendence and transformation of the individual and also of the material substances used in art-making towards the spiritual. Without the arts, Anthroposophy will go ‘short of breath’, states Steiner, and remain just concepts, “impertinently rigid, philistine and horribly scientific formulations.”2
Steiner also emphasised the role of arts as a force for individual and social renewal. Therefore, the arts play a focal role in education and therapy, as well as in personal and professional development in any sphere of human activity.
In the Australian scene, there are well-established vocational trainings and professional practices in the performing arts, including eurythmy, music, the visual arts and architecture. Many of these are listed on this site under Adult Education and Training.
Listed below are current projects and initiatives.
Visual Arts
Painted Space Studio
In Creativity, Art and Spirituality Meet
Art as a Path of Schooling for the Soul, is open to anyone interested in combining inner work with artistic practice, but is particularly aimed at professional development or refreshment for artists, teachers and therapists.
This two-year online part-time course offers the flexibility of studying at home under the direction of highly experienced teacher yet in the company of an international online community of like-minded students of art and anthroposophy.
Painted Space also has short online and on-the-ground visual arts courses and webinars in painting, art history and drawing. There are both introductory and advanced courses available: Goethe’s Theory of Colour, Steiner’s colour theory, Waldorf curriculum, therapy workshops, meditative verses and nature study are regular themes. Courses are a combination of the classes, pre-recorded videos, webinars, self-study and individual mentoring.
Find out more about all the courses here.
Performing Arts
Heart Fire Centre for Speech and Drama
Announcing a new speech and drama initiative
Creative Life of Language workshop 28-30 March 2025 is the first workshop for 2025 for the Heart Fire Centre. By applying the integration of Steiner’s approach to speech and Michael Chekhov’s acting technique we will explore the esoteric foundations of Steiner’s speech and language, working with his fundamental speech exercises to attune our instruments to the supersensible realities of speech. Book here or contact Mercedes Logan more information
Situated in proximity to Pacifica College of Eurythmy, Heart Fire Centre is based in Samford Valley, Queensland. Heart Fire’s work was pioneered by Dawn Langman who trained in Steiner’s approach to speech and drama in the 1970s then subsequently studied Michael Chekhov’s work in New York in the 1980s. She has written five books outlining a comprehensive approach to an integrated methodology that combines both streams and has run three four year trainings in the technique. She will be the principal tutor, supported by two graduates, Nicole Ostini and Katrina Stowe.
Read more about Heart’s Fire Centre’s approach.
Inscribing Signs with a Finger Dipped in Light…
StoryVision offers storytellings, rewilding and restoring workshops, courses and intensives, online courses. For details, please contact Iris Curteis.
This is StoryVision – the in-sight we gain when we perceive life through the aether, tone and ayre of Story. What we discover are new ways of knowing, cunning-compassion that creates sustainable futures, and wisdom that creates thriving communities because we understand: every individual life is a work of art.
This is Story – a living encounter, not a fossil pressed into the bedrock of a culture forever unchanging; a meeting between souls – yours and the inhabitants of the tale– human and other-than-human; listening and learning the language of water-flow over stones, wind-breath through treetops and the airs of stars that have sung you and your body into existence over lifetimes. Story is word-magic that unseals heart-thinking.
This is storytelling – the narrative version of mycelium, cradling our soul-world in a web of interconnected images. As mycelium moves nourishment between different trees, Story moves nourishment between people. It’s about becoming aware of the poetry within our own lives, generating consciousness and new perceptions by veiling something with the imaginative imagery of Story.
I teach the art of storytelling and story research. My workshops, courses, intensives are created to address particular themes and topics, open and accessible to all. I offer programmes tailored to the specific needs of professional and special interest groups, educators, community -, aged- and palliative care, youth work and organisations working with or interested in cultural-social change. My storytellings tellings are generally intended for communities with mixed age groups, unless otherwise indicated.
Bio: Iris Curteis PhD Storyteller and Speech Artist [40 years of artistic experience] studies in Visual Arts, Speechformation/Creative Speech & Dramatic Arts (Europe), BA & BA hon. (Creative Writing) and a PhD on Storytelling and Community Building [Australia]. Anthroposophy has been her source of inspiration for 50 years.
Storyvision also offers a Schooling Course Inscribing Signs with a Finger Dipped in Light… For more information, please contact Iris Curteis.
Me and My Shadows
Faust reimagined
Me and My Shadows is a multimedia performance that brings the power of Goethe’s and Steiner’s words with original score played by live musicians, Eurythmy movement and coloured light and coloured shadow and puppetry art in community. Performances to take place in March 2025 at Rudolf Steiner School theatre, Kamaroi Rudolf Steiner School. Sydney.
Inspired by the masterpiece Goethe’s Faust, it contains vital contemporary themes bringing theatre as metaphor, and the stage as ritual. ‘Me and My Shadows’ explores a humans life who makes lots of mistakes. It reveals the impact on different levels of consciousness and mysterious realms of spirit. A collaborative multimedia community production of: speech and drama, music, Eurythmy, coloured shadow and light, puppets and projection design.
Please contact us for more information or book here.
The Parsifal Project
A journey of trials and transformation
If you would like to support this initiative, you can also donate to the project to help launch their vision. Go to Give Now – Ink Pot Arts – 10 Reasons... Please include a note about supporting The Parsifal Project. Tax-deductible receipts automatically issued.
Word Sisters
Performing arts meets biographical work
Word Sisters have been creating as a collaborative community since 2017. They are four creative arts practitioners (performers, storytellers, workshop facilitators, poets, and writers) who have a common background in Anthroposophy. They initially met over 20 years ago exploring Steiner’s Speech and Drama methods through workshops in Western Australia. By combining Steiner’s Speech and Drama indications, eurythmy, creative writing and biography work, they devise performances and related workshops. A playful curiosity and phenomenological research approach has enabled them to craft and share regular performance/workshop projects.
Find out more from Renate Millonig or Read a review of their work.
Arts-based Research
Stream of Life Research Studio
Now the ears of my ears awake. And now the eyes of my eyes are opened.¹
The Stream of Life Research Studio is an interdisciplinary practice-based research collective who study the dynamic activity of the etheric or life forces. An underlying theme of their research is working with living picture imaginations from the macrocosmic world of stars, the ‘mesocosmic’ forces of nature, and the microcosm that is the human being. This Studio seeks to investigate and understand spiritual science in the context of the 21st century and build connections to the traditional fields of academic research.
Stream of Life runs regular webinars and occasional workshops on phenomenological practice in different professions. It is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners who use this approach in their professional work to share their work and process with likeminded people. It is also a place for newcomers to this methodology to learn more about it. For more information about the webinars look here or contact Jude Samson
There are also many individual artists, designers, composers, musicians and architects with their own practices. They frequently advertise their courses and events in the Directory or Events
¹ from i thank You God for most this amazing by e.e. cummings
2 Rudolf Steiner,’ Lecture III’, The Arts and their Mission, 2 June 1923, Dornach, CW276
Photo credits: courtesy of Fiona Campbell