Tasmanian branch Contact the Tasmanian branch for information about activities in Hobart, Launceston and rural Tasmania

About the Tasmanian  Branch

Tasmania is the southern-most state of Australia, an island influenced by The Roaring 40’s’, a dynamic wind weather system that drenches our Gondwana Forests in the World Heritage National Parks on West Coast of the island. Tasmania’s climate is generally Cool Temperate, though the pastoral Central Highlands and Eastern seaboard are agricultural, more densely populated, and generally mild and warm.

Our population of 540,000 is predominately coastal, with 4 small cities, of which Hobart, the capital, is the largest with 126,000 residents..

The TAS Branch itself has 43 core members, as well as many friends and associated organisations. For instance, there are two Steiner Schools, Tarremah in the South, and Tamar Valley in the North catering to families on the East coast. There is also Southern Swan in Cygnet, south of Hobart, a pharmacy and garden specialising in the production of Anthroposophical and Homoeopathic medicines, creams and lotions.  

Our Tasmanian Branch is diverse in activities, including the local biodynamic association which has a very active membership and its own Elementals journal. There are also therapeutic eurythmy sessions, First Class, local study groups, the Grail Quest seminar and other special events such as the seasonal festivals. Check the 2022 Calendar of events and ongoing activities for more information.

Below are photos from a Biodynamics Field Prep Day held at Mountain River BD Farm (beef and orchard) where all the preps, including preparation 500, are produced for BD Tasmania.

New members are very welcome to our branch.  Please contact Cole Bradshaw for more information or you can submit a request for information about membership here.  

TAS Branch committee

Branch Secretary

Cole Bradshaw



Michelle Beakley


Membership enquiries

Cole Bradshaw


School of Spiritual Science

Connie Nanscowen


Postal contact

Cole Bradshaw
177 Waterworks Road
Dynnyrne TAS 7005

Tasmanian Branch activities

17th, 18th & 19th November 2023

Practical and spiritual aspects of dying and death care – a holistic palliative care workshop facilitated by the Palliative Care Circle. 

10th December, 2023

Celebrating the Christmas Conference of 1923/24 – a conversation on Rudolf Steiner’s final address at the Conference of 1923. Download the lecture here.