Victorian Branch Contact the AS Vic Branch for more information about activities in Melbourne and Victoria

About the Victorian Branch

The AS Vic Branch Inc. is an incorporated association in the southern state of Victoria and serves the state members of the ASinA. Our main purpose is to further the development of Anthroposophy throughout Victoria through community events.

There is also the Michael Group in eastern Melbourne and the Castlemaine-based Vidar group in Central Victoria.  Please contact Christine McAleer or Leanne Sarah for information.  

Secretary’s report

Here you can find the Secretary’s report on branch activities for 2023.

AS Vic Branch committee

Branch Secretary

Birgith Lugosi

0448 844 453


Petra Betschart 


Membership enquiries

Elizabeth McKay 

00410 294 110

Committee members

Dianne SchillerJenny Metzger
Elizabeth McKay
Ian George
James Gillan

School of Spiritual Science

Guenter ZimmermannBirgith Lugosi


Postal contacts

Branch Secretary
Birgith Lugosi
2 Union St,
VIC 3101

AS Vic Branch activities 

Vic Branch Newsletter

The AS Vic Branch facilitates a range of regular conferences, festivals, workshops and lectures, often in conjunction with the Michael Group. The monthly newsletter has information about these activities.

If you would like to subscribe to this monthly email, please contact the Vic Branch. If you want to place an ad about your event or activities, send your information by the 25th of the preceding month. 

Vic Branch Newsletter November

Vic News  
The Vic Branch also publish the quarterly Vic News. This newsletter has articles and reports on branch activities and is posted to members and friends with a calendar of events. If you would like to receive the quarterly newsletter, please contact the editor. 

Other Melbourne events

There are regular festival celebrations and talks hosted by the Christian Community in Hawthorn.


For Steiner teacher training, the Melbourne Rudolf Steiner Seminar offers a range of courses and programs based on the work of Rudolf Steiner. 

For artistic workshops and eurythmy training, please contact Birgith Lugosi of the Aurora Australis Anthroposophical College of the Arts and the Melbourne Eurythmy School for more information.