Membership The benefits and responsibilities of membership

A person usually becomes a member of the General Anthroposophical Society first and is then recognised as a member in their country. They may then choose to join their state branch or local group. 

According to the founding statute (Article 4) of the General Anthroposophical Society, ‘anyone without distinction of nation, class, religion, scientific or artistic conviction who sees something justified in the existence of such an institution as the Goetheanum in Dornach as a School of Spiritual Science may become a member.’

What are the benefits of membership of the ASinA?

  • Members benefit from receiving regular information about branch activities in their local area, from the national society (ASinA) and from the worldwide society.
  • The Journal of the Anthroposophical Society in Australia, a biannual print publication is available to members, as well as regular ASinA national newsletters.  
  • Becoming a member of the ASinA means you become connected to the global community, based at the Goetheanum, in Dornach, Switzerland, and can receive Anthroposophy Worldwide, the Goetheanum online newsletter, in your inbox.
  • After two years of membership, members can apply to join the School of Spiritual Science in their local area.

What does my membership support?

The financial contributions of membership support the Society’s aim of nurturing the life of the soul in the individual through community on the basis of a true knowledge of the spiritual world.

Financial contributions go towards supporting the national branch, your local branch or group, Section work, the Arts Fund of the Anthroposophical Society in Australia and other such initiatives. Membership also provides financial  support towards seminars, exhibitions, performances, lectures, conferences and courses. Fees also contribute to the life and membership of the centre of the community, the Goetheanum.

Part of the membership fee goes towards communications and networking between members and the ASinA, especially through its publications. The Society publishes announcements and reports about activities, meetings, conferences, workshops and performances for its members in the national newsletter or in local branch newsletters.

  • For more information about how to subscribe to the national newsletter, please contact the editor Mark Gallagher.
  • For more information about how to subscribe to the ASinA website, please contact the website editor, Fiona Campbell
  • For more information about how to subscribe to your local branch newsletter, please contact your local branch coordinator.

There may also be an Benefactor Membership Contribution option, depending on your branch, to support membership for those under financial hardship. Contact your local branch coordinator for more information about this. 

2022 Member’s Survey 

The 2022 Members Survey summary is available on request: please contact the General Secretary, Jane Bradshaw. 

How can I find out about membership?

If you would like to enquire about the process of joining the society, you can complete the form below. You will be contacted to provide you with introductory membership information and member contribution details.

If you would just like to talk to someone about membership, please contact the General Secretary, Jane Bradshaw.