The Launch of the Agriculture Section Branch in Australia

Biodynamic Research and Esoteric Study


We would like to announce that the Branch of the Agriculture Section of the School of Spiritual Science was created on 7 June 2024, This coincided with the 100 year anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Lectures.

The use of the term ‘Agriculture Section Branch’ is a new form of referencing, which shows the connectedness of our activity to the global Agriculture Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. Our branch does not stand alone but is a part of a world-wide entity known as The Agriculture Section.

This occurred with the approval of Ueli Hurter, co-chair of the Section in Dornach following his successful Australian tour. This tour was organised by a steering group of Cole Bradshaw (Tas), Rob Birse (Qld), Trevor Crowe (Tas), Brian Keats (NSW), Steve Kapolice (Vic), Paul Martin (Qld), Simon Martin (SA) and Mark Patton (NSW).

The Agriculture Section Branch is envisaged to be a forum where people interested in biodynamics, Anthroposophy and Spiritual Science and who are connected to farming and gardening can meet, share ideas and carry out research.

Involvement in the Branch does not preclude a person from belonging to any other agricultural organisation.

We are holding the inaugural annual meeting with the theme of ‘Researching the Essence of Biodynamics – Its Role in the Future of Agriculture‘ in June 2025 in Braidwood NSW. 


Find out more information on the Agriculture Section Branch

Find out more about our inaugral meeting in June, 2025

We warmly invite any enquiry in joining or supporting us or attending the annual meeting by emailing us at