Welcome to the International Youth Initiative Program (YIP)
Hello friends around the world,
Warm greetings from a sunny and blossoming Sweden!
We on the team here at YIP (International Youth Initiative Program) would like to share with you that applications for YIP17 (2024-2025) are still open. The second application round will close on the 15th of June 2024. We have had many wonderful applicants and YIP 17 is looking like becoming an amazing group of inspired individuals. We now have only nine places left and would be very grateful if you could help those who are looking for an opportunity like YIP to find us.
What is YIP?
YIP is an anthroposophically inspired 10-month residential, holistic education program in societal entrepreneurship for 18–28 year-olds from all around the world, based in Ytterjärna, Sweden.
YIP aims to strengthen young people’s capacity to take personal and collective initiative in the face of current global realities and to find their authentic task in the world. Participants live and learn together to explore the current challenges of our time, grow their personal awareness as well as their ability to work together. They meet inspiring individuals who are working on the cutting edge of finding creative and future orientated solutions to the complexity of the difficulties we see in the world in the realm of governance and activism (Gerald Häfner), food sovereignty (Vandana Shiva) and initiative and initiation (Orland Bishop) and much, much more.
Participating in YIP17 might be of interest within your network or within your broader community.
We have created a media package including social media posts, testimonials and a brief overview of what YIP is. CLICK HERE to access it. We would be very grateful if you can spread the word to your network or to any you feel may be interested.
If you know of someone who may benefit from a year of making sense in YIP, please pass on the invitation.
With warm greetings from the YIP team